Console Updated Run Analysis ViewConsole

Updated analysis view for runs

Series data is now available to view for all file sizes

Apps that use the Statistics convention in their run output can record time series data with the series_data property and then view this collected data in the Analysis tab of the run details view in Console.

Previously, the ability to view the series data was only available if your run output file size was below 300kb. Now this feature is available for run outputs of any size as long as the format is JSON. However, do note that if your files are very large it may take a moment for the series data to be extracted and displayed.

Also, the charts that display the progression values of the series_data sets have been updated to be more performant. And if the dataset is larger than 50, a sample of the points are extracted for inspection using the Largest-Triangle-Three-Buckets (LTTB) algorithm.

Screenshot of line chart showing the progression of the run value over time.

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