
What is a decision model test bench? Why have one? And how to use Nextmv as one.

Model testing saves time and improves outcomes. But it’s not always possible to perform tests in the same environment as your production runs. That’s where a test bench comes in.

Haversine vs. OSRM: Distance and cost experiments on a vehicle routing problem (VRP)

How do you test if you should use map data over Haversine for a vehicle routing problem? Let’s use batch experiments with Nextmv to find out!

How to run your OR-Tools model as an automated decision service

Ready for your OR-Tools model to have real-world impact? Create an operational decision app in minutes using the Nextmv OR-Tools integration.

The Nextmv AMPL integration: Accelerating decision model development with DecisionOps

Do you model optimization problems with AMPL? The Nextmv AMPL integration accelerates how you run, test, and deploy AMPL decision models using DecisionOps tooling and workflows.

Nextmv Gurobi integration: Build, test, deploy decision models using Gurobi and DecisionOps

Do you solve decision science problems with Gurobi? The Nextmv Gurobi integration accelerates how you run, test, and deploy decision models running Gurobi with Nexmv’s DecisionOps platform.

Java support for the Nextmv OR-Tools integration: Build, test, deploy decision models faster

Do you use Java and OR-Tools to model optimization problems? The Nextmv OR-Tools integration now supports Java – making it easier to operationalize Java-based models using our DecisionOps platform.