
Teams and roles

Managing teams and roles on Nextmv Platform

Teams and roles are managed using Nextmv Console. If you are on a paid plan, you will have the option to invite other people to your team. And if you are on a Premium plan, you have the option to designate roles for each team member as well. Visit the Nextmv Pricing page to see the full list of features for team and roles functionality.

When an account joins a team they have access to the full account features of that team, though certain roles restrict access to certain features. Read more below about how to manage teams and roles.


As mentioned in the Nextmv Cloud account section, when you sign up for an account you are auto-provisioned a team of which you are the owner. This team will have an auto-generated name based on your account email (you can change this name at any time).

When you log in to Nextmv Console, you will see your team name at the top of the page in the upper left. You can click the team to activate the team switcher menu. If you haven’t joined any other teams, your team will be the only option in the menu.

This is how you switch teams in Nextmv Console. Clicking a team in the menu will switch to that team and then every thing you do in Nexmtv Console will be in the context of that team.


You can change the name of a team by clicking on the Team icon in the main sidebar navigation; this takes you to the team Settings page where you can then click the Edit button in the upper right to change the name of the team. The team ID cannot be changed. The team name is for your reference and is included in the invitation that appears in the invited user’s open invite list.

Invite others

To invite users to a team, from the Team page navigate to the Members page and then click the Invite new member button in the upper right.

A user can be invited to the team before they have a Nextmv account, just make sure it’s the same email they will use to sign up for a Nextmv account.

At this time, there are no email notifications for team invitations. However, when the invited users logs in to their Nextmv account they will see an invitation notification at the top of the page next to the team switcher.

Once the user accepts the invite they have access to the full account features of the team when they are working within the context of the team. In Nextmv Console, this is indicated by the team name in the upper left (i.e. switching to the team via the team switcher).

For actions outside of Nextmv Console (e.g. API access, Nextmv CLI), each user has the ability to create their own API keys for each team they belong to. And these API keys grant access to all plan features of that team.

So, there are two ways that team members access features of a plan:

  1. By using Console within the context of the team (as indicated by the team name in the header bar), and
  2. By using an API key generated from the team’s API Keys page (read more about [managing API keys]).

This provides a secure way to share paid account access across an organization.

Accepting invites

Pending invitations to other teams will appear as a notification next to the team drop down menu and in the dropdown menu itself as well. Clicking on the notification will take you to the Invites page where all pending invites are shown.

You can accept or decline invites to teams. If an invite is declined by mistake, the owner or admin of a team will need to resend the invite. Once you accept an invite you are immediately added to the team and have access to all the plan features of that team.

Leaving teams

To leave a team, in Nextmv Console switch to the team you want to leave with the Team switcher at the top of the page, and then click the Team icon in the main navigation. This will take you to the team Settings page which will have a Leave team button. Click this button to remove yourself from the team.

Note that you can be re-invited to a team at any time. You cannot leave your own team.


When you create an account and are auto-provisioned a team, you are made Owner of this team. This is a special role, of which there is only one per team. The Owner role cannot be reassigned and the Owner of the team can not be removed. The Owner role has access to all features and functionality of the team, it is the most privileged role.

When you invite other members to a team they will be assigned a role. If your account is on the Innovator or Scale-up plan, all members of your team are assigned the Admin role. If you need more restrictive access, contact Nextmv about switching to our Premium plan.

There are four distinct roles for invited users to a team:

  • Viewer is the most restricted role and can be considered read-only,
  • Operator is for running experiments and creating ad hoc app runs,
  • Developer is for creating, building, and deploying apps and versions,
  • Admin is for managing aspects of the team like inviting and removing members.

A summary of actions that each role can take are listed in the table below.

Role actions

ActionViewer Operator Developer Admin
View team members
View team usage data
View Marketplace
View apps
View app runs, instances, & versions
View experiments
Create runs in Console
Create experiments in Console
Create/edit instances in Console
Create API keys
View API endpoints for an app
Create apps
Push code to an app
Create new versions
Use Nextmv CLI
Lock/unlock instances
Add/remove team members
Change team member roles
Manage planOwner role only

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