Custom Visualization


Add custom charts, plots, graphs and more to your runs

Plotly is a widely-used library for creating all types of charts. It’s highly flexible and has support in Python, R, Julia and more. When you use the Plotly custom visual type, your data is rendered with the Plotly Javascript library using the Plotly.newPlot() function.


To view a quick demo of the custom Plotly visual, use the Echo demo app referenced on the overview page to run the input below.

  "assets": [
      "name": "Plotly example",
      "content_type": "json",
      "visual": {
        "schema": "plotly",
        "type": "custom-tab",
        "label": "Charts"
      "content": [
          "data": [
              "x": [
              "close": [
                120, 119.989998, 119.779999, 120, 120.080002, 119.970001,
                121.879997, 121.940002, 121.949997, 121.629997, 121.349998,
                128.75, 128.529999, 129.080002, 130.289993, 131.529999,
                132.039993, 132.419998, 132.119995

              "decreasing": { "line": { "color": "#7F7F7F" } },

              "high": [
                120.239998, 120.5, 120.089996, 120.449997, 120.809998,
                120.099998, 122.099998, 122.440002, 122.349998, 121.629997,
                121.389999, 130.490005, 129.389999, 129.190002, 130.5,
                132.089996, 132.220001, 132.449997, 132.940002

              "increasing": { "line": { "color": "#17BECF" } },

              "line": { "color": "rgba(31,119,180,1)" },

              "low": [
                118.220001, 119.709999, 119.370003, 119.730003, 119.769997,
                119.5, 120.279999, 121.599998, 121.599998, 120.660004,
                120.620003, 127.010002, 127.779999, 128.160004, 128.899994,
                130.449997, 131.220001, 131.119995, 132.050003
              "open": [
                118.339996, 120, 119.400002, 120.449997, 120, 119.550003,
                120.419998, 121.669998, 122.139999, 120.93, 121.150002,
                127.029999, 127.980003, 128.309998, 129.130005, 130.539993,
                131.350006, 131.649994, 132.460007
              "type": "candlestick",
              "xaxis": "x",
              "yaxis": "y"
          "layout": {
            "dragmode": "zoom",
            "margin": {
              "r": 10,
              "t": 25,
              "b": 40,
              "l": 60
            "showlegend": false,
            "xaxis": {
              "autorange": true,
              "rangeslider": {
                "range": ["2017-01-17 12:00", "2017-02-10 12:00"]
              "title": {
                "text": "Date"
              "type": "date"
            "yaxis": {
              "autorange": true,
              "type": "linear"

            "annotations": [
                "x": "2017-01-31",
                "y": 0.9,
                "xref": "x",
                "yref": "paper",
                "text": "largest movement",
                "font": { "color": "magenta" },
                "showarrow": true,
                "xanchor": "right",
                "ax": -20,
                "ay": 0

            "shapes": [
                "type": "rect",
                "xref": "x",
                "yref": "paper",
                "x0": "2017-01-31",
                "y0": 0,
                "x1": "2017-02-01",
                "y1": 1,
                "fillcolor": "#d3d3d3",
                "opacity": 0.2,
                "line": {
                  "width": 0
          "data": [
              "type": "funnel",
              "name": "Montreal",
              "y": [
                "Website visit",
                "Potential customers",
                "Requested price"
              "x": [120, 60, 30, 20],
              "textinfo": "value+percent initial"
              "type": "funnel",
              "name": "Toronto",
              "y": [
                "Website visit",
                "Potential customers",
                "Requested price",
                "invoice sent"
              "x": [100, 60, 40, 30, 20],
              "textposition": "inside",
              "textinfo": "value+percent previous"
              "type": "funnel",
              "name": "Vancouver",
              "y": [
                "Website visit",
                "Potential customers",
                "Requested price",
                "invoice sent",
                "closed deals"
              "x": [90, 70, 50, 30, 10, 5],
              "textposition": "outside",
              "textinfo": "value+percent total"
          "layout": {
            "funnelmode": "stack",
            "showlegend": "true"
          "data": [
              "type": "scatter",
              "mode": "lines",
              "x": [
              "y": [
              "line": { "color": "#17BECF" }
              "type": "scatter",
              "mode": "lines",
              "x": [
              "y": [
              "line": { "color": "#7F7F7F" }
          "layout": {
            "title": {
              "text": "Custom Range"
            "xaxis": {
              "range": ["2016-07-01", "2016-12-31"],
              "type": "date"
            "yaxis": {
              "autorange": true,
              "range": [86.8700008333, 138.870004167],
              "type": "linear"

After running, you should see a Charts tab view on the run details view in Nextmv Console; clicking on this tab should display three demo charts.


Defining Plotly data

This section covers the requirements for passing your Plotly data for the custom visual asset to the content property. The schema requirements for defining a custom visual asset can be found on the Overview page.

The Plotly data that is passed to content should be an array of objects with the following top-level properties:

Property Description
dataThe data used for rendering Plotly charts. The data defined here is passed to Plotly’s data parameter when rendering a chart.


(Optional) Settings defined in the layout property are passed to Plotly’s layout parameter when rendering the plot. Nextmv Console defines only one layout setting by default:

  autosize: true,

You can override these default layout options by passing options of your own with the same names (all layout properties are Plotly-specific, there are no Nextmv-specific layout options). However, it is not recommended to override the autosize: true setting as it can adversely affect the rendering of your chart.


(Optional) Settings defined in the config property are passed to Plotly’s config parameter when rendering the plot. Nextmv Console defines only one configuration setting by default:

  responsive: true,

You can override these default config options by passing options of your own with the same names (all config properties are Plotly-specific, there are no Nextmv-specific config options). However, it is not recommended to override the responsive: true setting as it can adversely affect the rendering of your chart.

The custom data passed to content will have this shape then:

  "version": {...},
  "solutions": [...],
  "statistics": {...},
  "assets": [
      "name": "Plotly example",
      "content_type": "json",
      "visual": {
        "schema": "plotly",
        "type": "custom-tab",
        "label": "Charts"
      "content": {
        "data": [...],
        "layout": {...},
        "config": {...}

Note that if multiple objects are included in the content array then each object will be rendered as its own Plotly chart. That is, you can render multiple Plotly charts in a single custom view.

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