Nicole Misek

VP of Decision Engineering
Nicole is VP of Engineering at Nextmv. Previous to Nextmv, Nicole worked as a statistician at Grubhub where she helped the scheduling, dispatch, and market management teams improve their systems. Outside of work, Nicole spends most of her time chasing around her two toddlers and keeping them from getting into too much trouble.
Link and test logistics models for demand forecasting, shift scheduling, and vehicle routing

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to go from a forecasted demand to optimized routes for delivery and similar use cases. Create and customize decision apps using OR-Tools, HiGHS, Pyomo, and more.

What is switchback testing for decision models?

It’s time to understand the behavioral impacts of a new decision model under real-world conditions compared to a production model. Switchback testing enables this, helping build confidence in a new model’s rollout in a safe and measured way.

Create optimized PagerDuty on-call rotation schedules with decision automation

I retired our on-call scheduling spreadsheet — and you can too. Here’s how I built a custom decision model that generates and sends optimized schedules to the PagerDuty API.

Deploy a Gurobi price optimization model from a Jupyter Notebook

In under ten minutes, we demo how to deploy and run your local Python decision model from a Jupyter Notebook as a fully featured decision app on the Nextmv platform for simpler collaboration and a smarter workflow.

From notebook to Nextmv: Deploy, run, and test Python decision models for optimization

Go from a local decision model to a remotely hosted decision application (with API endpoints) that you can easily share, test, and confidently promote to production. See the model-to-app workflow using a Jupyter Notebook and Nextmv in under 30 minutes.

What's new at Nextmv? Solver and data integrations, simulating scenarios, and ML+OR

Join us for a tour of the newest features and get a sneak peek of what’s to come. See how our decision science platform helps teams launch and scale optimization projects faster and with more confidence.

Bring your custom Python decision model to Nextmv and accelerate time to value

If you develop decision models in Python, this presentation will save you time (and the added effort of building and maintaining DecisionOps tools). Accelerate development of your optimization models with features for testing, deploying, managing, and collaborating.

Vehicle activation penalties to encourage vehicle efficiency (vehicle routing, VRP)

Learn how to use vehicle activation penalties to encourage vehicle efficiency. This is sometimes known as prioritizing backhaul when going back to a depot.

Multiple pickups before a dropoff for vehicle routing problem (VRP)

Learn how to configure your vehicle routing problem (VRP) to have multiple pickups precede a dropoff. In this example, learn how to set two pickups at two different locations precede a dropoff stop for a pickup and delivery problem.

Model continuous depot visits for vehicle routing problem (VRP)

Learn how to model continuous moves for a vehicle going back and forth from a depot.

Optimization modeling with AMPL, Streamlit, and Nextmv: A stochastic facility location example

Create robust and interactive decision apps with AMPL as the optimization layer, Nextmv as the DecisionOps layer, and Streamlit as the UI and visualization layer. Learn how with a facility location example.

Comparing decision models in operational environments with switchback testing

When you’re ready to have a candidate model make true operational decisions, it’s time for switchback testing. Kick off an experiment and analyze how your new decision model measures up to your current model in production.

Best practices for customizing your model in 30 minutes

With Nextmv, you can customize an optimization model for your use case without wading into linear inequalities. From creating your own value function to adding custom constraints, learn best practices for representing business logic as code.