Renuka Gough

Product Marketing Manager
Renu got her start in psychology and discovered her passion for product marketing by way of studies in information systems and journalism. She can be found reading on the porch, playing with her pup, or traveling with her husband.
Render custom visualizations for your optimization model with Plotly, Chart.js, and GeoJSON

Standardize and manage custom visuals as data assets in Nextmv alongside your model. Accelerate your workflows with interactive charts, plots, and maps that automatically render alongside run details for streamlined analysis and collaboration.

Reproduce and replay optimization model runs to troubleshoot operational issues faster

When an operational issue is reported, reproducing it is one of the first steps in an investigation. Finding and connecting the data you need to triage the issue can be intensive. With Nextmv, replaying history (with easy access to all the data) is just a click away.

Deploy Python decision models as hosted apps directly from a Jupyter Notebook

Push your Python decision model from a local file to a remote application in minutes – whether you’re using a notebook or running in another Python environment. Conduct tests with fully featured experimentation tooling, collaborate and share results with teammates, and get observability into model performance.

Auto-select the best plan from your optimization when comparing decision models and solvers

Run multiple solvers or models in parallel to automatically select the best plan for your business with ensemble runs. Use your unique rules as selection criteria to easily converge on a plan, validate model configuration, and encourage stakeholder buy-in.

Prototype your decision model and build advocacy for OR at your organization

Whether you’ve already built a decision model or are just getting started, developing your optimization project on the Nextmv platform will give you the framework, testing tools, and ease of integration required to prove the value of your decision model.

Link and test logistics models for demand forecasting, shift scheduling, and vehicle routing

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to go from a forecasted demand to optimized routes using OR-Tools, HiGHS, and Nextmv.

How to perform an acceptance test for decision algorithms

Define the metrics that matter to your organization, run an acceptance test, and get easy-to-share results that guide your team down the path to production with confidence.

Create and run a low-code, SaaS routing app

Launch and run your own routing app with a library of configurable constraints to fit your use case.

Exploring sample decision apps with a free Nextmv account

Dive into sample routing and scheduling apps in the Nextmv console that are preloaded with runs and experiments. Interact with live dashboards and explore the full functionality of these decision apps.

Deploy a HiGHS MIP knapsack model with a custom endpoint

Access your HiGHS model remotely. Deploy your model as an app to Nextmv Cloud in minutes.

Deploy a customizable, decision optimization app in 5 minutes

See how to build, run, and deploy a custom decision model to production in a few minutes.

How to optimize route operations in multiple market locations

Whether you operate in multiple market locations or want to expand into new ones, simple scenario testing can help you make decisions about vehicle fleet size, composition, and capabilities.

Solve a route optimization problem (VRP / CVRP) with Go and Nextmv Cloud

Get started with Nextmv Cloud and Go to solve a vehicle routing problem and find optimized solutions for your vehicles and stops.

Going from manual to automated decision-making

What does it mean to go from manual to automated decision-making? Why make the switch? We explore this topic and show you how.

Solve a route optimization problem (VRP / CVRP) with Python and Nextmv Cloud

Get started with Nextmv Cloud and Python to solve a vehicle routing problem and find optimized solutions for your vehicles and stops.

Roadmap preview: Integrations, scenario planning, and custom decision automation

Join our team for a techtalk video as they dive into the latest routing optimization features and chat about what’s coming soon to Nextmv in the decision automation space.

Nextmv Onfleet Integration Demo

Get started with the Nextmv Onfleet integration in a step-by-step walkthrough for how to pull in tasks and workers via the Onfleet API, find optimized routes with Nextmv with extended features, and upload assignments back into Onfleet's platform.

Tour of Nextmv Cloud

Welcome to a tour of the Nextmv Cloud console! Learn how to get started with sample files for your routing use case. Optimize routes for delivery, distribution, and sourcing with Nextmv.Get started with Nextmv Cloud with our documentation.

Route planning, optimization, and automation with Nextmv Cloud

Solve routing problems like delivery, distribution, and sourcing with Nextmv Cloud. See your optimized routes on the map in the console or use the API to connect to your data source and frontend UI. Scaling is fast and easy with Nextmv.

Delivery route planning, optimization, and automation with Nextmv Cloud

Solve your delivery and dispatch problems with Nextmv Cloud. See your optimized routes on the map in the console or use the API to connect to your data source and frontend UI. Scaling is fast and easy with Nextmv.

Distribution route planning, optimization, and automation with Nextmv Cloud

Solve your distribution and dispatch problems with Nextmv Cloud. See your optimized routes on the map in the console or use the API to connect to your data source and frontend UI. Scaling is fast and easy with Nextmv.

Sourcing route planning, optimization, and automation with Nextmv Cloud

Solve your sourcing and dispatch problems with Nextmv Cloud. See your optimized routes on the map in the console or use the API to connect to your data source and frontend UI. Scaling is fast and easy with Nextmv.

Using route limits to regulate operational costs during route optimization

Balance vehicle usage by using constraints on aspects of route to limit maximum distance traveled, maximum time spent on route, and/or maximum number of stop serviced.

Using the precedes and succeeds constraints for stop sequencing

When performing route optimization for use cases like delivery, distribution, and sourcing, the order in which the stops are serviced is critical. Learn how to use precedence to ensure your stops are visited in the correct sequence.