

Render custom visualizations for your optimization model with Plotly, Chart.js, and GeoJSON

Standardize and manage custom visuals as data assets in Nextmv alongside your model. Accelerate your workflows with interactive charts, plots, and maps that automatically render alongside run details for streamlined analysis and collaboration.

Deploy Python decision models as hosted apps directly from a Jupyter Notebook

Push your Python decision model from a local file to a remote application in minutes – whether you’re using a notebook or running in another Python environment. Conduct tests with fully featured experimentation tooling, collaborate and share results with teammates, and get observability into model performance.

Nextmv + Python: An end-to-end decision model workflow with DecisionOps

Working in Python? Stay in Python! Develop and deploy your decision model directly from your Python environment. Updates to our SDK make it even easier to operationalize custom decision models safely and quickly.

Operationalizing Python decision models: configurable options, simple I/O, custom logging, and more

If you’re building decision models in Python, our Python SDK and decision science platform make the development process faster (and easier) so you can get your model safely into production.

Java support for the Nextmv OR-Tools integration: Build, test, deploy decision models faster

Do you use Java and OR-Tools to model optimization problems? The Nextmv OR-Tools integration now supports Java – making it easier to operationalize Java-based models using our DecisionOps platform.

An introduction to Nextplot for open source plotting with JSON

Marius shares the origin story of Nextplot, explains how it's built, and demonstrates how to use it for plotting points and routes.

Assigning workers to shifts with the Nextmv Shift Scheduling app

With the Nextmv Shift Scheduling app, you can start automating shift scheduling decisions in minutes.

From zero to customizable decision model in minutes with Nextmv

Register to watch a presentation, demo, and AMA time with the Nextmv team. Get an overview of the newly released custom decision optimization platform, see it in action, and check out a preview of our multi-solver capabilities.